Thursday 16 December 2010

Mad Jack Churchill

Amongst the people who we are currently developing performances about is Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Churchill - nicknamed "Mad Jack" or "Fighting Jack" Churchill. He surfed the Severn in 1955 but had a war record second to none - leading his troops into battle playing the bagpipes or carrying his claybeg sword. He was also a champion archer and is alledgedly the last person to kill their enemies in wartime using a longbow.
When you hear about people like him you realise that they know no fear. That they have complete courage in everything that they do and they are lessons to be learnt from them.
Researching Mad Jack's surfing exploits has revealed some interesting information which surfers probably know but the rest of us don't. He surfed the Severn Bore on a 16 foot long surf board, which he towed to the river behind his Vincent motorcycle and - you would expect there to be crowds and hordes of people there - he was seen only by a local farmer and his son and a couple of other locals who told him not to try it! Amazing for such a feat of endeavour. We are developing a one hour show about him and this is on offer to venues in Gloucestershire and beyond if people would like it.

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