Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Just over two weeks to go....

It's a little over two weeks before the first full length performances of the Forgotten Sporting Heroes Double Bill - Mad Jack and the Severn Bore and The Fearless Navigator at Randwick Village Hall, Randwick, GL6 6HS (for sat navvers) on 14th May at 7.30 p.m.
It's all getting to that nervy phase now, scripts are done, rehearsing started but there's lighting to sort, backdrop to finish and costume to finish sourcing.
The more I've dug into the Mad Jack Churchill story, the more fascinating it has become. Initially I was worried that it would just be a gung ho "Commando" comic of a story which is how it can be viewed but there's a lot more to it now, there's a sadder, darker element crept in. That's not to say the gung ho "Commando" isn't still there. It now has light and shade - in one section very dark shade!!
The Fearless Navigator has always been (in some ways) the easier, more direct story to tell. Howard Blackburn's story is moving, heroic and at times sad.
With both men though they are tales of courage over different adversity, bravery above all else and inspiration.
If you want to see for yourself come along to Randwick Village Hall or book a ticket by phoning 01453 757136.

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